Thursday, September 15, 2005

Lotts of Room for Improvement

Roll Call is reporting that Sen. Trent Lott (R-MS) is considering retirement, largely due to the fact that Hurricane Katrina destroyed his home. The circumstances surrounding Lott's consideration are sad, and I wish the Senator the best in rebuilding so that he can enjoy his waning years.

Having said that, Sen. Lott is far from a loyal Republican. He was forced out of the Leadership after an attempt to compliment Sen. Strom Thurmond. His attempt to flatter an old, great Senator were blown out of proportion. Republicans should have rallied behind him. Yet they should never have put him in the Leadership to begin with. After the 2000 election, Lott negotiated a power-sharing agreement with Sen. Tom Daschle with the Senate compromised of 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats. What Sen. Lott failed to realize is that the Vice President is the President of the Senate and casts the deciding vote when the Senate is split 50/50. Like Republicans now going along with the dog and pony show that is the Judiciary Committee hearings, Lott failed to use the power with which he was entrusted. Then, as now, Republicans were in the Majority and had every reason to use that power in full.

More recently, Lott released a book in which he criticized several of his colleagues. He is also thought to have been part of the Gang of 14 agreement even though he was not a signatory. Lott is the epitomy of the old guard who thinks that the Senate is supposed to be a chummy club of blue bloods who are willing to spend every dollar and sell out on every principle in order to get along rather than a legislative body. While the circumstances surrounding Lott's possible retirement are sad, there isn't a single conservative who will not be excited at the prospect of electing a more loyal, more conservative replacement.

I wish Senator Lott the best should he choose to retire, but I'd also suggest that he not let the door hit him in the rear end on his way out.


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