Okay Okay, So I Lied
THIS is my last post before heading to Washington. Wictory Wednesday, a system of blogs used frequently during the election to raise money and spread messages during the Bush campaign, is asking today that members contribute to Sen. Santorums's reelection campaign. This past April, Sen. Mudd, as he shall henceforth be called on this blog, endorsed RINO Arlen Specter, who has already begun causing trouble as the new Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Now, Specter is in a position to obstruct the President's judicial nominees, which he may well do in spite of promises to the contrary. Santorum stabbed conservatives in the back and now thinks he still has the right to pass the hat among conservatives. Especially if pro-life, pro-gun state Treasurer Bob Casey, Jr. runs for this office, we have reason to dump Santorum. Republicans are in no danger of losing the Senate, and the filibuster problem will have been solved by then. If liberals want to brag about electing a conservative Dem in a blue state, then we're really in much better shape than we realize.