Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Feminazis Get Their Way

After screaming bloody murder (note the irony), feminazis got their way today. Rep. Jim Langevin (D-RI) announced that he will not enter the Democratic Primary to challenge RINO Sen. Lincoln Chafee. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and DSCC Chairman Chuck Schumer came under heavy fire from their party's infanticide supporters for supporting Rep. Jim Langevin and Pennsylvania State Treasurer Bob Casey, Jr. for the '06 Senate races in their respective states. Though Langevin is a supporter of unethical embryonic stem-cell research, he and Junior Casey identify themselves as pro-life. I can only speculate about what went on behind closed doors, but my guess is that the spear-carriers and partisans reached a deal in which Michelman & Co. agreed to keep silent on Casey in exchange for a pro-abortion candidate in Rhode Island.

The news comes in the wake of rumors that Rep. Patrick Kennedy is reconsidering entering the race. Kennedy probably didn't think he could beat his fellow Congressman in a primary and thus deferred. Now, however, only Secretary of State Matt Brown remains in the race on the Democratic side. Rather than roll the dice with Brown, the Democrats will fight institution with institution. So they think.

The Hotline reports that Cranston Mayor Steve Laffey has bragged about in recent days about the dramatic upsurge in Republican registration in his city. It's a sliding scale, to be sure, but Cranton's Republican registration rose by about 2500 while GOP registration in the rest of the state actually dropped. Think these numbers are negligible? Keep in mind that a 2002 contested Republican Gubenatorial primary was won with a mere 18,000+ votes. I'm going to go way out on a limb here and suggest that maybe, just maybe, Laffey wasn't doing this to put to rest America's budding curiosity about Republican registration in Rhode Island.

Langevin's exit probably hurts the Democrats' chances of taking this seat, but one should never underestimate the Kennedy name in New England. There's disagreement about what the best match-up for each party would be, but the fact is that Laffey is the only real Republican running. There might be some small differences in how the potential nominees would stack up against each other, but it looks like this could well be one of the best races in the country. Oh by the way, look for Kennedy to declare very soon since he has probably gotten everything he possibly can for agreeing to give up his Appropriations seat.


At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Patrick Kennedy is talking about running for the senate race in Rhode Island. This is the same Patrick Kennedy who was addicted to cocaine and went to drug rehab in the 1980’s. This is the Patrick Kennedy who takes anti-depressant drugs, and as anyone who has seen anyone on anti-depressants knows, anti-depressants and alcohol do not mix. Yet Patrick Kennedy was so drunk at a DNC fundraiser in 2003 that he had to be yanked of the stage.

Earlier this year he was back in rehab but he was seen drunk back in RI since that time.

He was even seen drunk in public last week.

So Jim Langevin is taking his name out of the running. The Secretary of State Matt Brown has no chance to beat Kennedy in a primary – but if Kennedy is the nominee – Chafee’s seat is safe.

Run Patches Run!


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