Fighting Fire with Fire
For the last two years, Senate Democrats have prevented the Senate from fulfilling its constitutional duty to give advice and consent on the President's judicial nominees. According to Manuel Miranda, Republicans now have 53 supporters of a plan to restore the Constitution, not to mention Senate tradition, by allowing the Senate to vote on the President's nominees. Getting those votes didn't come easy with a number of south paw Republicans in the Senate. Last year's gains, however, open the door.
Two obstacles remain. The first is Snarlin Arlen Specter, who has been a problem since his election to the Senate. Specter will be in the way, but he'll eventually get the nominees to the floor, even if he does so kicking and screaming. The second, however, is Majority Whip Mitch McConnell. Not only did McConnell have hesitation about restoring the Constitution on misguided principle, but he is now dragging his feat because he doesn't think that there is sufficient public support to proceed. Contact Sen. McConnell and tell him that the Democrats went nuclear when they changed the Constitution without so much as a majority. Now, it's time to fight fire with fire. Tell McConnell it's time to push the button and make the Constitution worth more than the paper it's written on.
Note to bloggers: Since this blog has fewer visitors than the Democrats have Senators, please implore your readers to do this. has a national call-in day today, so it's essential that we respond in kind!
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