In a story that surfaced a few weeks ago (sorry, missed this one), Maine State Rep. Brian Duprey announced that he is considering challenging RINO Sen. Olympia Snowe. Snowe has nearly achieved the status of "institution" in Maine, but she has also achieved the status of thorn in the side for conservatives. Unfortunately for Sen. Snowe, and fortunately for conservatives, Maine's Primary is closed.
Duprey received national media when he propsed legislation to ban abortions based on sexual preference. He has compiled a conservative voting record and will be well positioned to exploit Snowe's stated opposition to the constitutional option. His main stumbling block will be questions about his electability. His best chance of reaching the Senate is seeing major Democrats take a pass assuming that Snowe is unbeatable, and pulling off a major upset in the primary to face off against a sacrificial lamb.
The dynamics of this potential primary would be similar to those in Rhode Island, except that there will likely be stronger mobilization on both sides of the abortion issue because of Snowe's sex. It's a longshot bid, to be sure, but is a no-lose situation for conservatives. It'll be interesting to see whether Duprey can put together the organization quickly enough to be taken seriously. If so, look for Maine to get some added attention with a Toomey-like race, hopefully with a different outcome.
wut does it mean to ban abortions on sexual preference?
I dont remember him reiciving national attention exdept from the Daily Show haha
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