Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Coalition of the Illin'

I'm a bit behind the curve on this, but MachoNachos has formed the Coalition of the Illin' in response to Patrick Ruffini's Coalition of the Unprincipled, er, Chillin'. This works nicely as e-discontent mixes with Senate discontent. Countless other blogs have similarly come out against the disaster that is the Miers nomination. Most notably, the normally excessively partisan Polipundit has come around on the nomination.

The spewing of anger on the internet should send a clear message to the White House. Those of us who take time each day out of our busy schedules to engage in this sort of activism are typically not those calling the shots. Nor are we reflective of the public at large. We are, however, involved. Some of us work professionally in politics. Others make contributions to candidates. Still others are the ones who speak at events, stamp envelopes, make phone calls, make lit drops, etc. We are the ones who make the difference in close elections. We are also the ones who are not involved in politics, by and large, because of our egos. Our reaction to the nomination suggests that Ms. Miers is not an acceptable pick and that the Party had better take us seriously. If not, the GOP will be flying solo real soon, because we'd sooner spend time with our families and other pursuits thango to the mat for people who forget us once in office.


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