Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Promise in Maryland

There's good news for Maryland Lt. Gov Michael Steele. A Baltimore Sun poll shows Kweisi Mfume within 2 points of Rep. Ben Cardin in the Democrat Primary, trailing 30-28. The large number of undecideds is encouraging news for Mfume, whom some thought may have turned off too many voters with his racist tendencies. In spite of finishing the third quarter will less than $100,000 in the bank, Mfume has managed to remain competitive.

Mfume's ratings could encourage some contributions, which he will need as the cash on hand turns into ad buys. Mfume's main advantage lies in the fact that his voters are concentrated in a few, densely populated areas, meaning that he will be able to counter Cardin's more expensive GOTV operations with grassroots activity. Even so, he will need some base of support.

For now, contributions of time or money in other states would be better investments. Even so, if you are, for whatever reason, especially interested in the Maryland, here's where your time and money can be put to the best use. While you may feel dirty helping the left-wing loony, keep in mind that the only way that Steele wins the general is if Mfume wins the primary. Oh by the way, changing parties in time for the primary would also be a worthwhile endeavor. Politics makes for strange bedfellows, and this is time for a one-race stand.


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